Going Green - Take steps to ensure your entire home is always draught-free

Latest article from Angela Terry

Green Green campaigner and consumer expert, Angela Terry, separates climate change facts from fiction and here she explains how you can take simple, practical steps to help save the planet. Follow @ouronehome & visit https://onehome.org.uk/ for more advice.

Q: I’m so worried about my gas bill.Are there any green tips that can help cut it?

A: Yes, you can make your home more energy efficient, save money and cut your carbon footprint with some easy DIY hacks.

Turn it down

Start with your thermostat.

A comfortable indoors temperature for most people is 19 degrees Celsius.

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If you turn it up any higher, you’ll pay too much for your bills.

Obviously, if you have any vulnerable people at home, you may need to keep their room a little hotter.Please check with their doctor.

Dress those windows

As soon as it gets dark, the temperature drops, so make sure all your windows have blinds, curtains or shutters over them.

Blackout blinds and thermally-lined curtains are the best options.

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If your curtains aren’t lined, use curtain hooks to add an extra layer of fabric.

Block those draughts

In the UK, we have the leakiest homes in Western Europe.

Many of us are paying for precious heat to escape into the atmosphere around our homes.

That’s why it’s a good idea to find where all your draughts are and block them.

The best time to do this is on a windy day, with some water on the back of your hand.

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You can buy inexpensive foam strips from any high street DIY shop.

They’ve sticky tape on the back so you can easily use them to plug gaps around your windows.

When it comes to gaps under front and back doors, you can block them with a brush draught excluder that you fit to the bottom of them.

Or, if you prefer, you can use an old fashioned draught excluder made from remnants of old fabric.

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Little-used rooms

If you have rooms you don’t often use – like a spare room or dining room – then make sure their radiators are turned down low.

Loft insultation

Heat rises, meaning that 25 per cent of the heat in your home escapes through the roof – unless you properly insulate it.

Mineral wool is the recommended insulation.

Ensure it is 30cm deep.

If you have existing insulation and it’s not thick enough, top it up.

This is a relatively easy DIY task that many people can do themselves.

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Alternatively, you can pay for a tradesperson to do it for you.

They can also fit boards over the insulation, so you can still use your attic for storage.

Meter readings

Keep an eye on how much energy you’re using by taking regular meter readings.This way you can check you’re on the best tariff you can find.

Celebrity spot

As the energy crisis continues, even celebrities are getting off gas. Loose Women star Stacey Solomon has swapped her beloved old gas AGA for a modern electric one to save energy and the environment.

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Loose Women star Stacey Solomon is doing her bit for the environment (Photo by Joe Maher/Getty Images)Loose Women star Stacey Solomon is doing her bit for the environment (Photo by Joe Maher/Getty Images)